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Our impact

Justlife is a national homelessness charity advocating for people who are living in temporary accommodation. Locally, in Brighton & Hove and Greater Manchester, we support people to improve their mental and physical health, understand their rights, find a home of their own, and live independently. Nationally, we push for policy change to improve the lives of people experiencing homelessness across the country and we are co-secretariat for the Households in Temporary Accommodation All Party Parliamentary Group.

What people say about us

She [My Support Worker] gave me a beacon of hope because she’s a normal person and we spoke about normal stuff...It felt like I was talking to a friend not a worker...She was an integral part of my recovery.

Sarah, Justlife client

Justlife have helped put me back on my feet and guided me. I have got to take praise for myself but without guidance I wouldn’t have known which way to go... Any problem I have had, you have helped me through it.

If it was not for Justlife, I would most certainly be dead by now. You have helped me more than you would ever know. I can honestly say your work saves lives.

If Justlife didn't exist there would be an immediate worsening of the situation in Brighton. There would be more evictions, more people on the streets, less effective move on, less follow up with GP and hospital appointments. This would result in more 999 call outs, more A&E attendances and more deaths.

Arch Healthcare

Stories of changed lives

Our impact

Clare's story

"After a month of weekly contact with my Support Worker, I felt that I trusted her and agreed to go outside for the first time in months".

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Our impact

Ronnie's story

"It's just nice to have help from people who are willing to help me no matter what it is. I appreciate you being there...".

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Our impact

Jonathan's story

"I wish this had happened years ago, now everything is all set up and there’s nothing I need to worry about".

Read here

In numbers

Since 2012, we have supported over 2400 people experiencing homelessness.

During the pandemic, we delivered over 10,000 meals to people living in hotels or B&Bs with no cooking facilities.

90% of members in our befriending scheme feel less lonely and isolated and 81% felt their mental health had improved

Our theory of change

Justlife has developed a Theory of Change model to help us identify the impact we want to have, the changes we hope to see and the work we will deliver to achieve that. It guides us when designing and evaluating our services.