At this meeting, the intention was to launch the APPG by putting the stories and voices of those with lived experience at the centre of the group’s work as we propose real solutions, while setting out our intention to look for the bright spots within the system and reasons to be hopeful.
To help us start turning this intention into action, we have launched a call for evidence about current standards of TA across England. You can participate here.
We’re interested in hearing from anyone who feels they have information to share in the form of stories, photographs and experiences of life in TA. We also invite submissions of research and investigations around this theme.
The purpose of this call for evidence is to support our investigations into the viability of and need for a national system through which TA standards are monitored, regulated and enforced. It is also to help increase the APPG’s understanding of what the issues are that people living in TA face on a day to day basis right now in England, and form part of a national strategy to improve the health and wellbeing of all that live in TA.
Anyone who feels they have useful information to share can submit evidence. We are particularly keen to hear from you if you are:
- A current or recent resident of Temporary Accommodation (whether you are a single person, family with children, pregnant, and whatever your resident status is)
- An agency advocating or working on behalf of residents of Temporary Accommodation
- A research body or researcher who has carried out research into the issues around Temporary Accommodation
- Any health care professional or local authority officer working with residents of Temporary Accommodation
Please do help us spread the word about the call for evidence or submit evidence yourself if you have experience of TA - either as a resident, advocate or health worker of any kind. The call for evidence is anonymous, and we'd like to get as wide a snapshot as possible to bring to the next meeting, so we can focus on moving the conversation forward into action and solutions.