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New Report: OUT TODAY

  • 1 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 04 July 2018
Our latest report is out today!We received funding from Trust for London earlier this year to test Temporary Accommodation Boards in London. Temporary Accommodation Boards (TABs) were first recommended as part of our research conducted alongside IPPR North between 2013-2016 as a vehicle for alleviating some of the challenges faced by residents of unsupported temporary accommodation. These 'boards' work by pulling together the relevant stakeholders of the accommodation -- Local Authority representatives, residents, landlords, voluntary services, health, police, fire serves and any others -- in order to bring together the oft-times disparate elements of the housing & homelessness sectors to arrive at collective solutions through equal collaboration.We have established two boards, one in Brighton and one in Manchester, but this is the first time we have tested TABs in London, whose challenges with temporary accommodation can be much more acute. Our feasibility report focuses on a case study in the London Borough of Hackney.Read our report and let us know what you think! Any questions, contact Christa Maciver,, or Rachel Yates,