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'Justlife take the pressure off so you’re not on your own'

  • 1 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 27 April 2017
This week at Justlife Brighton we met with a number of our service users to talk about the services that we offer, what we do well and what we can improve.We are always keen to be led by the people who are accessing our services so these evaluation sessions are so important to us, so that we can hear feedback and work out what we can do better. It’s so helpful to hear if what we think we are communicating is what is being heard!We had a brilliant session together with some really helpful and constructive feedback and great enthusiasm for being involved in the process. We were able to gather some fun ideas for future activities and thoughts around what we can improve.One service user said: “Justlife take the pressure off so you’re not on your own”, which is what we are all about.Thanks to Café Trafé for letting us use their room for free and providing great food!