Do you ever feel like you want to help someone who is at risk of homelessness access the support that they need, but don't know where to look? It can be hard to know where to begin and to know what help is out there. Thankfully, this brilliant new website could hold the answer!
Homeless in Brighton has a list of all the local services available to people who are vulnerably housed or currently experiencing homelessness in Brighton and Hove, with a few national services thrown in too.It is a simple and easy to use website and lists over 110 projects and services. From food banks to drop-in centres, to council services this comprehensive list covers every aspect of support available.We believe that joined up working is the key to meeting the needs of our service users and by knowing what other help is available, Justlife and other services will be able to provide more well-rounded, holistic care and support for our service users.Do visit the website and share it, the more people who know about it the better! We are very grateful to Apptivists Brighton for making it!