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Emma and Joe

Welcome to Justlife Emma and Joe

  • 2 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 11 August 2016
Another new chapter in the Justlife Brighton story begun yesterday, with two new members of the team. Emma Mukerjee is our new Pathway Plus engagement worker, and Joe Baldock is joining the Creative Change project, also as an engagement worker.Emma has previously worked at the brilliant Providence Row project in East London and says "I'm really excited to start working with Justlife on the Pathway Plus project, supporting people being discharged from hospital. I have over 10 years experience working with vulnerable people, including supporting rough sleepers in East London, and can't wait to transfer this understanding and knowledge to Justlife and the sector in Brighton.Self confessed video game addict Joe had a great first day "Yesterday was my first day at Justlife and I've already been inspired by a client! Sarah gave me some incredibly detailed advice on how to project manage and develop a video game I'm working on with a friend. Her advice has made me rethink my approach to the project and has reignited my drive to finish the game! I'm looking forward to learning a whole lot more from clients and colleagues at Justlife and I feel very blessed to be a part of the team"We are all looking forward to working alongside Emma and Joe and being able to develop the support and service for those living in emergency and temporary accommodation in Brighton & Hove.Emma and Joe day 2