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Our 'Inspire'd satellite service

  • 2 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 22 January 2016
This week was 3 months since we started a satellite service in Levenshulme, Manchester - so we thought it would be good to share with you what has been going on.Inspire, a community centre in Levenshulme, had been getting daily visitors from an increasing number of homeless and vulnerable adults and with nowhere to send them in Levenshulme, they needed expertise and resource to help them at Inspire. After monitoring the situation and planning the best course of action - with local people, service users and the Justlife team, we decided to open a satellite service, offering advice and a hot meal from the Justlife team once a week. After securing funding from the High Sheriffs Trust and an Awards For All, Big Lottery Fund grant, enabling us to pilot the service for 12 months we launched the drop-in on 20th October 2015.The Justlife drop-in at Inspire runs every Tuesday 12-3pm, with some outreach work in the local area alongside this. On the first week we welcomed one guest, but as word has spread we have had up to 14 people. Project workers have been able to give advice - including doing follow up work, make referrals - so people are accessing the best possible support and provide a much needed hot and healthy meal as well as good company.One service user said: "I would not have known where to go to help sort out my housing, there is nowhere else to go."The drop-in is headed up by experienced project worker and assistant centre manager Matt Lloyd and assisted by Hannah Radcliffe and Tom Callaghan.Hannah said: "People come to the drop-in with a whole range of issues, isolation and loneliness, poor mental health, housing issues, benefits problems. It is great to be here to help people tackle their issues."As the service develops we will continue with ongoing evaluation, enabling us to support vulnerable people the best we can and achieve Justlife's aim in the community of Levenshulme: to keep people's period of housing vulnerability as short, safe and healthy as possible.