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Let's meet Abby

  • 2 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 17 July 2015
Abby is the most recent addition to the team at Justlife Brighton and we are delighted to have her creativity, experience supporting vulnerable people and all round wonderfulness on board.Here is what Abby has to say: “I wanted to work for Justlife because I care about supporting people who are going through a difficult time. I like Justlife because the culture of the organisation is creative and innovative, there is a feeling of mutuality between staff and service users, and most importantly the work stays focused on the needs of service users.” “It can be a challenge working with vulnerable people when you go through seasons where there is a lot of sad news in the lives of your clients. I think that this will always be the biggest challenge in this type of work, but hopefully difficult times will stir hope and energy in me to keep doing the work I do.” It is early days, but so far Abby has been getting stuck in at the lunch drop in the last couple of weeks, meeting people and finding out how Justlife can help. She also came to our team strategy day up in Manchester. This was a great opportunity for Abby to find out more about Justlife’s bigger picture.Before working for Justlife Abby worked in similar roles in a homeless hostel and a substance misuse service. She also recently spent a year living on a farm in France and travelling in America and Iceland.Alongside working at Justlife Abby also works as an artist ( and looks after her son, who is 10 months old.(Pic: Abby (centre) with Justlife Brighton team members, Simon and Lucy)