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Success with John Grant Davies

  • 2 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 20 January 2014
ruthsarahWe are delighted that John Grant Davies Trust has donated £1,800 to Justlife, enabling us to expand our work with women in Manchester.The work with women has been named the ‘Eve Project’ and will provide a safe space for women to come together and share their lives, needs and dreams, to learn new skills and gain new positive life experiences, and do so independently. In the past 12 months we have run several women’s sessions to pilot the idea, but at present we do not have the capacity to run this project.As well as one-to-one work with women and engaging them in the drop in, the core of the Eve Project will be a bi-weekly group for 4-8 women per session. Activities may include trips to a range of different galleries, museums, places of interest across the city, also time at the centre engaging in arts and crafts, learning skills, producing creative writing, listening to inspirational talks and so on. The women will develop trust and healthy friendships in this peer group that will last beyond the life of the project, as well as skills and new interests.We have found it particularly challenging to engage women in the past. For further information about the difficulties that we have and reasons for this, please read a recent Just Thinking blog post: look forward to reporting on the success of the Eve Project later this year. Watch This Space.