Mike* heard about the Justlife drop in, Brighton when we dropped a flyer through the door or the temporary accommodation he lives in. Although temporary, Mike has been living there for over 4 years, seemingly forgotten by the system. He is isolated and depressed but over the past couple of years Mike has made many positive decisions to help his situation, giving up alcohol and drugs and keeping himself to himself. Although there have been obvious benefits to this, these decisions have left him further isolated.Through coming to our drop in Mike has built up some positive relationships with our team and his peers. The session has provided an opportunity to chat through some of his struggles and frustrations, as well as just making often underrated small talk about football and life over a game of pool and hot meal. Following a spell in hospital Mike received support from Justlife’s PathwayPlus project. We are now supporting him to re-look at his housing situation, making the relevant enquiries and together with Mike we are working to improve his situation in the next few months.#juststories*Name changed to protect identity. Photo Justlife stock image.