Simon* came to Justlife through the Brighton PathwaysPlus team in October 2013. He had been admitted to hospital for a suicide attempt. His life prior to admission was one of heroin addiction, depression, acquisitive crime and prison.Engagement with Justlife through the Pathways Plus project allowed for project workers to secure temporary accommodation for Simon, and when Simon was evicted from one temporary placement due to a drug paraphernalia indiscretion, we were able to find another placement the very next day.Simon has taken some backward steps, in terms of drug use and acquisitive crime, but has taken far more positive steps forward since his engagement with Justlife. These steps include actively trying to reduce his prescribed medication; Attending, of his own volition, pre-treatment groups; Attending both the Justlife and Just Thinking drop-ins; Maintaining regular contact with his Justlife worker; Attempting to resolve his mental health issues (asking GP for Aspergers test); Trying hard to get to residential rehab (currently on waiting list); Making a concerted effort to reduce the amount of heroin he has been using. Simon has not attempted suicide since being involved with Justlife and has grown in both confidence and in awareness of what he must do to improve his life and gain happiness.He is on the right path.#juststories*Name changed to protect identity. Photo Justlife stock image.