The Justlife nurse has introduced new health checks for service users at the Justlife centre in Manchester.Many service users have no contact with medical professionals but critical health needs or lifestyle issues that need addressing and we want to help them. The health checks are friendly service in an environment in which people know and trust. They give an opportunity for people to talk with the nurse and ask questions, as well as gain information and advice that may be useful. Today was the launch of the health checks and we started well with 5 appointments.The health checks include: height, weight and blood pressure, sexual health screening for chlamydia and gonorrea, healthy eating and lifestyle choice advice, information and advice about alcohol usage, smoking cessation and substance misuse. Referrals to GPs and other health services will be made where necessary.All new registered service users will be asked to attend a health check appointment and we will encourage existing service users to drop in to see the nurse too.