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Homelessness Transition Fund Strengthens Justlife

  • 1 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 02 April 2013
Earlier this year Justlife secured £20,000 from the Homelessness Transition Fund to strengthen infrastructure to make us more resilient in the coming 5 years.Part of the infrastructure strengthening is the implementation of a new 'Ecco' database. A Director of Justlife will be overseeing the implementation of this project over the coming months.The database will have a host of benefits. Justlife employees will be able to register service users and develop and monitor individual care plans for them in a really accessible and user friendly way. In addition, the system provides reports on each individual and activity and data-analysis will be available at the touch of a button.The system will enable us to learn more about our service users and ourselves and will help us to improve our services and share good practice with others and aid project and organisational development. It seems technical but the whole thing will enable us to much more clearly which areas of our work are having the greatest impact.