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Hello to Hannah

  • 2 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 29 July 2013
Hannah Radcliffe Hannah Radcliffe started volunteering at Justlife a few weeks ago, and this is what she has to say:I heard about Justlife through Ruth Cox, the centre manager, and wanted to get involved as I would like to work in this area.I have just spent 10 months in Amsterdam volunteering with CWM (World Council Mission). I was working on three projects working in vulnerable people: a homeless shelter, a homeless choir and with undocumented people.Justlife is very different as the projects in Amsterdam were primarily providing food, shelter and a place to wash, as we worked with rough sleepers. Justlife provides practical support for moving on and making changes.I have to say that Justlife is an incredibly welcoming community. It feels like a family and I never knew that there would be such good support for people coming out of difficult times.Justlife really helps people who have found themselves at the bottom… When I asked one guy if he was ok, he said: ‘No… I am addicted to alcohol, I have been in and out of prison and now I don’t know what to do with my life when I am not in prison. I can’t stop drinking and I have wrecked my childrens lives’… So, it is so important that Justlife is there to support him – for a start its brilliant that he is coming to Justlife and hopefully we will be able to help him move forward.I am really excited about volunteering at Justlife. At the moment I am doing two days a week, whilst looking for work.