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Funding from Enterprise rent-a-car

  • 2 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 12 June 2013
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJustlife has been awarded £1,000 from Enterprise (rent-a-car) Foundation. The funding will enable Justlife to help service users from the Manchester Health and Enterprise Centre move into their own tenancies and fund a small amount of practical help for up to 20 individuals.Moving house is a difficult transition and we have seen people nearly fall through the gaps. Paul's story shows how important it is that someone is there to help people get settled in their own tenancy:Paul was in a cycle of homelessness and alcoholism for 10 years before arriving at a B&B on the doorstep of Justlife. Over the next 6 months Justlife worked with him to engage him with the Community Alcohol Team and meet with him regularly to help him stop using drugs. Once these issues were under control we were able to move him into more supported accommodation. From this place Paul started to regularly attend workshops at Justlife. With something positive to do everyday, Paul’s alcohol usage significantly decreased and he made significant progress. We helped Paul bid for a home and secure a flat with a registered social landlord. With only a few days to move out of the supported accommodation into the new flat Paul reached a precarious and stressful stage in which he nearly fell through the cracks. But, Justlife took the time to help him move house and settle him in to his new tenancy, referring him for a furniture package. Paul has sustained this tenancy for over 12 months and is now looking for work.