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Brighton is back in session and keeping fit!

  • 1 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 18 September 2013
yoga brightonAfter a short summer break, last week Justlife relaunched its drop-in services in Brighton.With only 2 people attending last week, we were a little disappointed... especially as before the summer break 30-40 people were attending each week. But, some intensive flyering and visits to the temporary accommodation made a big impact, and yesterday saw 26 people join the Justlife team for the drop-in.The workers and volunteers registered 10 new people, gaining insight into complex lives and assisting people with various issues.The drop-in included a yoga session, which was enjoyed and well attended.In this new season Justlife Brighton will be focusing on keeping fit and building skills, as well as providing advice and support.