Every Christmas Justlife in Manchester and Brighton enjoys celebrating the festive season with a Christmas party.
For most people this is their only opportunity to celebrate the festive season. On the day, we give everyone a gift bag including items which encourage them to have a happy healthy Christmas. As well as some warm socks, chocolate and other goodies we will be including a handwritten christmas card in every bag. This is why we need your help…
Can you add a Justlife service user to your Christmas list?Please write a Christmas card with a warming Christmas message from yourself (on behalf of Justlife supporters). Please post the card in an unsealed envelope to Justlife Manchester or Justlife Brighton (click to find addresses). Please write the card to ‘friend’.We are collecting 100 cards so if you are able to send us more than one, please do so.We need to have all the cards by Friday 13th December as we will be distributing them the following week.