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Christa joins Justlife

  • 2 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 03 October 2013
christamaciverAt the beginning of September Christa joined the Justlife team in Manchester as an Assistant Project Worker. We love having her as part of the team. This is what she has to say about her first month with us:
"I am really enjoying my new role at Justlife. It is a challenging position which has me on a steep learning curve, and I am rising to the challenge. The job is so much busier and more chaotic than I initially expected and as I am a perfectionist I have definitely had a couple overwhelming days. I am quickly learning the chaos is in itself a kind of structure that works for Justlife, and when looking at my role from this perspective I see how well everything works.
I am mostly excited about the privilege or working with the people in the community as they come through our doors. On the first day I met one-to-one with a service user who was worried about certain benefit changes that they did not understand. Although the situation was not fixed in one meeting, over the next couple days we were able to untangle the confustion of this service user's situation which led to a peace of mind and a sense of sustainability until a decision was made. This may seem like a small answer to a big problem, but seeing the positive change in this service user since that first meeting makes that 'small answer' a major blessing. Countless situations like the one above make me proud to be a part of the Justlife team."