Most people who come to Justlife for our services find out about us through a friend or someone they meet. Everyday new faces walk in the door to seek our help. This week Keith came for the first time, he was brought by someone who is living in his temporary accommodation and knew we would be able to help.Arriving nervously, Keith* was overwhelmed with the issues he was facing and desperately upset about his situation. A few years ago Keith had it together, a job, a family and everything was going smoothly, but various reasons has caused his life to spiral.Seeking help and coming to Justlife was a big step on his journey. We will work with him around housing and health issues initially, hopefully enabling his situation to become more stable. He left Justlife with a smile on his face and hope for the future.Help us to celebrate these small successes by voting for us in the National Lottery Awards.
Click here.*Keith = name changed to protect identity