'Talk to Jo' is a new campaign at Justlife to encourage our service users to talk about drugs and their related addictions.Every Tuesday morning Jo Byrne, a social worker from Manchester Drugs Service, is coming to the Justlife centre to talk to our clients and help them to think about taking steps towards recovery and treatment.Kyle, a service user at Justlife said:
'The thing is your addiction is really personal and it's hard stuff in your life that you don't always want to address or talk about. It's a massive deal."To tackle this, we have started to publicise the sessions as 'Talk to Jo', making her advice and discussions friendly and approachable. The art workshop made lots of badges - all with the words 'Talk to Jo' on, and now staff, volunteers and service users are all sporting the badges.The badges have proved so popular that people have just been coming in to get a badge!Lee, a Justlife volunteer, has taken on the role of supporting Jo in her work and will encourage specific clients to attend sessions and facilitate relationship building with Jo.Posters, conversations and leaflets are also publicising her support sessions.We are really excited about the informal and helpful support that Jo can offer and are keen for our service users to 'Talk to Jo'.