Bob started coming to Justlife towards the end of 2011. He was very quiet and was difficult to talk with. He liked being around, but only as an observer and came to lots of workshops, but only to watch. Due to difficult and complex circumstances Bob needed our support.During his first few weeks and months we made every effort to make him feel welcome and involved and continued to give him opportunities to take part, and eventually he did. Matt, project worker, worked closely with him to build his confidence and organised additional tenancy support training enabling him to keep a stable home.As Bob grew in confidence we asked him to volunteer with us, assisting with the drop ins and supporting staff. It has been exciting to see Bob really grow in the last couple of months, taking part in food safety level 2 training and the First Aid at work training. These qualifications make him a very useful volunteer and have set him up for future employment.Bob has been attending the Justlife Job Club and last week secured a Job Placement with Marks and Spencers. Bob is doing really well and is looking ahead to a bright future now.Help us to help others by voting for us in the National Lottery Awards.
Click here to vote for Justlife.*Bob = name changed for confidentiality