Justlife has been selected to be a 'charity of the month' for Waitrose, Manchester. Shoppers are invited to place a green token into one of three charity boxes as they leave the store, one of which is Justlife, and at the end of the month we will receive up to £500 from Waitrose. The more green tokens we receive, the more financial support we receive.This support is part of the Waitrose Community Matters programme, which supports community organisations and charities working locally to their stores.If you are in Manchester city centre during May, please visit the Waitrose store and vote for Justlife by popping a green token or two in the Justlife box (as demonstrated in the photograph). The store, based in the Spinningfields area of Manchester City Centre.
Click here for the details.This support from Waitrose is the latest in corporate support for Justlife, following marathon sponsorship from Barclays and the donation of sports equipment from Decathlon.