Justlife has been awarded nearly £12,000 for a new project, "Raising Aspirations", based at the Manchester centre, helping people move towards employment. The European Social Fund award is administered by the Skills Fund Agency and Workers Educational Association (WEA).The award of funding follows a successful pilot, in which we ran a job club and related activities for 6 months. We are delighted that 14 people secured employment during the pilot and we have high hopes for helping people over the next 12 months.The project aims to raise aspirations of vulnerable adults in east Manchester, encouraging them to think differently and progress towards (and in some cases into) employment training and skills development. Support will be given through: first contact engagement, introducing training/workshops, confidence building and personal development activities, one-to-one advice, providing volunteering opportunities and job search activities.This grant equips us to help current and new service users move towards and into employment and invest in raising aspirations of some of the most vulnerable people in Manchester.