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Just the job

  • 2 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 11 July 2012
Several Justlife clients are making big steps towards employment, through work placements, accessing other services, training courses and even getting a job!In the next few weeks we are excited that three Justlife Job club members will be starting two week work placements, with Royal Mail and Marks and Spencer’s. These placements are specifically aimed at people who have been homeless or vulnerably housed and will build skills, confidence and move the participants towards employment.One of our long standing service users has just started a plumbing course. We have worked with Ben* for over a year on housing and personal development issues. We are delighted he is really getting back on track and making big steps forward.Mark* completed a work placement a few weeks ago and as a result has been offered a job. Great news!This week, The National Careers Service visited the Justlife Job Club to offer further support for those looking to go into employment. This new link will enable the Job club to refer for specialist support from the National Careers Service and therefore better support clients.Three Jobclub members have already expressed interest and made appointment with the National Careers Service in Openshaw. It is great to see so much enthusiasm about jobs.Help us to keep moving people forward. Vote for Justlife in the National Lottery Awards. Click here.