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Eastlands Homes Award Justlife Community Grant

  • 1 min read |
  • Posted by Justlife
  • On 22 November 2012
Eastlands Homes has awarded Justlife £250 to fund the Christmas party for Justlife service users. The funding decision is made by Eastlands Homes residents so we are delighted that they see the importance of our work in the local community.The Christmas party will be held on Friday 20th December and will include a traditional Christmas lunch as well as some carols and singing and a "Happy Healthy Christmas" goody bag for each guest.This event is vital in bringing Christmas to the homeless and vulnerable, many of whom would not have the opportunity to celebrate the festive season.Sheila Doran, Chief Executive at Eastlands Homes said: "Our community grant was set up to help groups like Justlife who are making a real difference to local communities, so we were really pleased to receive their application. We hope they have a great event and enjoy their traditional Christmas meal and presents - something which so many of us take for granted."Thank you Eastlands Homes.