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Who we support in Brighton

In Brighton, we work with people who have health needs while living in emergency accommodation or supporting housing, supporting them to get help with their mental and physical health, alongside tackling wider housing and wellbeing needs.

If Justlife is able to support you, we could provide help with some of the following:

  • support with addressing physical and mental health needs
  • working through housing-related issues, finding more suitable housing and settling in
  • support in applying for benefits, providing advice on budgeting and managing finances

Befriending, creative arts and lived experience of homelessness projects

We also run projects for people in emergency / temporary accommodation, or who have experienced some form of homelessness, such as a befriending scheme, an activities program, and a project giving people with lived experience of homelessness the opportunity to input into improving homeless health services. This could involve:

  • support with developing a support network, building your confidence and social skills
  • access to a peer support group and activities
  • opportunities to share your experiences and ideas to help make a difference for others

How to find out if Justlife can support you

If you have health needs and are living in emergency accommodation or supported housing, we may be able to help you through our Health Engagement project. If you are in emergency / temporary accommodation, or have experienced homelessness you may be able to get involved in our other projects.

If you would like to discuss accessing our support, please ring our office number 0300 123 1550 or send an enquiry email to Alternatively, please fill in the contact us form below. If we can’t support you, we may be able to direct you to other support services.

If you haven’t found what you are looking for, see these other helpful websites: