Our vision is to make people’s experience of temporary accommodation as short, safe and healthy as possible. No one should face homelessness alone but thousands are stuck in temporary accommodation, with no understanding of their rights, no knowledge of their housing options, and no clear pathway out of homelessness. Justlife is there for the people who slip through the cracks of England's housing system.
Every time we don’t act, another person living in unsupported & unsuitable temporary accommodation is at risk of losing control of their life, dropping off the bottom rung of the housing ladder or dying prematurely. Since our inception, we've played a crucial part in the prevention of this, giving people hope that their lives can change for the better.
We value the hopes and dreams of the individuals who make up the Justlife community; whether they be people who use our service, staff, trustees or volunteers, we are committed to ensuring that everyone involved flourishes.
We are increasingly aware of the competitive nature of the charity sector and we are determined not to make ‘growth’ a goal in and of itself or to enter into competitive tendering which would displace other providers from delivering services and add no value to the people we support. We seek out opportunities to work in partnership to deliver new or improved services, to share our knowledge, resources and experience and do anything we can to help achieve our aim.
The health and social care landscape is constantly changing and our models of intervention must keep evolving. We favour a flexible approach; trying new ideas and interventions. We are committed to elevating the voice of the people who use our service to input into our work, as well as supporting the team to experiment and try stuff out.
Our 5 year strategy focuses on these areas